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  • NA ۩ Anonymous_One's Moderator Application۩ (Improved) [Global]

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by AuxcordPapi, Mar 8, 2016.

    1. AuxcordPapi

      AuxcordPapi Experienced Member

      Nov 4, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Anonymous_One's Moderator Application

      Hello! :D
      My name is Luke Sutherland (IGN is Anonymous_One). I am a 16 year old from the
      Bay Area in
      California (Pacific Standard Time). I have been playing on Mineverse since
      September/early October of 2015, and I've loved it ever since. I have been a part of countless servers throughout the amount of time I have played Minecraft, and this server easily ranks at my #1. There are a lot of people on the server who I love and care for, and I also love the way the system is set up and how active the server is on its forums. My whole life I have always been a big people person. I am very social, and I'm currently employed at a children's toy store because of it xD Along with my love for people comes a lot of patience and wisdom. Though I am only 16, I have never had trouble helping someone out with an issue while preventing them from becoming frustrated or annoyed with me. Anyways, I'll get more in depth with that later. I have wanted to become a moderator for quite some time now, but was too nervous to do it and realized that I was not active enough on the server forums to do so. I have started getting on forums a lot more often (as you can see in my recent activity). I have made it a personal goal of mine to come onto forums a lot more often and become more active with the server, so if the reason for you not supporting/being neutral with my application is because I am not active on forums enough, I do apologize for it and I believe you will not be disappointed if you continue to watch my account from here on out. Don't worry, I won't think you're creepy c:

      Well, this is it. Prior to reading this, thank you for taking the time to consider this application, and I trust that the final decision made will be a good one, whether or not I make it :D <3

      Side Note:
      To anyone that I have disrespected or been rude to in the past, I do truly apologize.
      I do have excuses for this behavior (if there has been any) but that does not make
      it okay nor does it justify whatever I did. If I have done something that bothers you,
      please inform me so that I have a chance to make things right on a more personal
      note. Feel free to comment it below as well, I believe people deserve to know any
      mistakes I've made before they make a decision on whether or not to accept my
      application. Thank you <3

      I will also restate the following information along with more information
      I previously missed to make this easier to follow:

      Age: 16, birthday in mid-January
      In Game Name: Anonymous_One
      Timezone: Pacific Standard Time
      Country: United States of America
      Languages: Unfortunately only English at the moment, I am

      in the process of learning spanish though c:

      Necessary Means of Capturing Evidence?
      Unfortunately I have no form of recording software, though I
      can download if needed. I also tend to take a lot
      of screenshots c: <3

      Why I Should Become a Moderator:
      I believe I should become a moderator because of my ability to solve certain situations quickly
      and efficiently. I have quite a bit of moderator experience from previous servers, and I do
      believe I would bring a lot to the team. Not only do I love working with people, but I am also
      an experienced player as well. I have played minecraft since about 7 months after vanilla
      was released, and I tend to know how things work and I have also been told I am quite an

      experience builder. I am also a very self-deprecating person, so whenever I do make a mistake I am (for the most part) able to fix it, and I am quick to apologize, then proceed to make fun of myself for whatever I did. I am also a very detail-oriented person, meaning that when it comes to certain tasks or situations, I am always able to solve/complete them efficiently, quickly, and reasonably without making any biased or unfair decisions. I will also list a few of my personal traits below, so that you have more information to help make a
      final verdict c: <3

      Also as another side note: whenever I talk about myself, I tend to go off of what other
      people tell me I am. This is because I truly believe that only others can tell you what
      your true qualities are, because those are the qualities that you express when you
      communicate with them.

      My whole life people have always told me that I have a heart to serve. I have always loved
      helping people through any situation at all, and people always tend to come to me when
      they need help or support with something. It is very rare that I turn down an opportunity

      to make another person's life easier or help them out, and when I do it is for good reason.
      If people ask me for something, I will most likely give it to them (depending on what
      it is xD).

      I admit that I do make a few mistakes here and there when it comes to always being nice to
      people, but I have yet to come across someone who doesn't. I have a tendency to
      have a very good attitude in almost any circumstance and I have been told that it is rare
      for me to be rude or be an unsavory-character when I talk with others.

      In my opinion, it is very important to truly care about something in order to participate in it
      or to allow yourself to help someone. I believe that the best decisions come from people
      who actually care about what they're doing, and I have been told that I am one of those
      people. When I sign up for something, help someone out, talk someone through an issue
      etc., it is never because its the right thing to do. I do it because I truly desire to help them
      and to be a generally good person toward them. As cheesy as that may sound, it's 100%
      true for me personally <3

      I am a very honest person when it comes to situations that require me to be as such.
      When I make a mistake, I admit it. If i have made a mistake and did not realize it,
      it is normally pointed out to me and I do everything in my power to make it right.
      I believe that honesty is the best policy when it comes to helping other people out
      and making things right where you have made them wrong. So if I ever were to
      mess up as a moderator, please inform me so that I can apologize, and not try
      to justify my actions with excuses.

      I have always been a very talkative person, meaning that I love talking in general. I
      am constantly wanting to be in the company of others or at least communicating with
      them, and I believe that this is an important skill to have as a moderator. I have been on
      many servers where the moderators did not talk much and did not like to communicate
      with other people, and they are the reason that I no longer play on those servers.

      When I say mature I do not, in any way, mean that I am at the same level as an adult.
      This is simply because I am not, I am just a kid like most other people on the server
      (and shoutout to all the 20+ people on MV xD). When I look at situations I always
      try my best to stay calm and work through it as efficiently as possible without
      turning it into a childish manner. This also applies to how I chat with people
      personally, or when I'm just talking to people for the sake of being social.
      I try my best to stay out of any conversation that is inappropriate, and I also try to
      avoid any drama that goes on, simply because I believe that those conversations
      are a waste of time.

      I have always loved getting the chance to meet new people and greet them. With
      every job I have had, it has been a personal goal of mine to make their first
      experience as good as possible to ensure that they come back.

      It is very rare that I overreact to any situation simply because I believe
      that anger is a waste of time when it comes to most situations. Yes, sometimes
      people 100% have the right to be mad at something, but when it comes to
      most of the situations that I have come across in my time on Mineverse, I
      fail to see why people get so frustrated. I always try my best to stay calm and
      de-escalate any situation that is getting out of hand, and I am successful
      for the most part.

      How Often I Can Be Online:
      I am online on Mineverse pretty much whenever I can be. This timeframe
      varies quite a bit depending on the weekly situation, but for the most part
      it is set up as follows:
      Sundays: Available any time after 3:30pm
      Weekdays: I am available most weekdays from 7-12pm
      Wednesdays: Unavailable because of school
      Saturdays: I can be on any time, as long as I am not going somewhere with

      When I Started Playing Mineverse:
      I came across Mineverse from the server list on PlanetMinecraft I believe, and I started in late September/early October of 2015, and have
      loved it ever since c: <333

      Have I Ever Been Banned or Muted?
      I have never been banned or muted on any server. c:

      Past Moderator Experience:
      Yes. I have previously been a moderator on the following servers:
      MineUnited - Resigned because fellow mods were very rude and inactive
      MineFaze - I was a moderator & build team member on here. Resigned because
      I did not feel like I belonged on the team there.
      LichCraft - Resigned because I found MineVerse.

      I also know most of the basic commands:
      /Ban (player) (time) (reason) - Appeal at Mineverse.Com
      /tempban (player) (time) (reason) - Appeal at Mineverse.Com
      /unban (player)
      /Mute (player) (time) (reason)
      /kick (player) (time)
      /tp (player)

      Closing Statement:
      I do truly believe that both my personal traits and past experience
      as a moderator can really add to the team and help make Mineverse a better
      server to play (if possible). Thank you for taking the time to read this application,
      and once again I support any decision that is made.


      -Support: 32
      -Neutral: 26
      -No Support: 6

      Last edited: Mar 30, 2016
    2. kei

      kei Well-Known Member

      Feb 7, 2016
      Likes Received:
      No Support

      • Support
      • Support
      • Support

      In all seriousness, Support.

      You have a strong application with appealing visuals. You have experience and you are always kind whenever I see you on Survival!

      Good Luck ;)

      Just so you know, this position is global, not 2 sub servers :p
    3. AuxcordPapi

      AuxcordPapi Experienced Member

      Nov 4, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Oh why thank you for the heads up xD <333 and thx I try i try
    4. ItsSniiper

      ItsSniiper Boss Member

      Feb 5, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Neutral, I like the app although please try to be more active on forums.
    5. AuxcordPapi

      AuxcordPapi Experienced Member

      Nov 4, 2015
      Likes Received:
      I promise to try my best in not going inactive ever again, thank you for the feedback c: <3
    6. Rodeen

      Rodeen Boss Member

      Sep 12, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Agreed with Sniiper!
      The app looks great :)
      Good luck! <3
    7. Wolf

      Wolf Well-Known Member

      Nov 1, 2013
      Likes Received:
    8. AuxcordPapi

      AuxcordPapi Experienced Member

      Nov 4, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Thanks c: <33
    9. Wolf

      Wolf Well-Known Member

      Nov 1, 2013
      Likes Received:
      I changed my mind its a no support from me sorry

      jk Support
    10. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
      Likes Received:
      I'm going with a neutral for now, seeing as you are only becoming more active on the forums, but if you continue being active, I'll gladly support you.

      Don't take this as hate! I don't hate you nor dislike you, I'm only stating what my opinion is at the moment :D

      (Además sos un guapo chico ;) ) lol:p
    11. Wolf

      Wolf Well-Known Member

      Nov 1, 2013
      Likes Received:
      True words
    12. Smiley

      Smiley Legendary Member

      Aug 31, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Reasons are said.
    13. AuxcordPapi

      AuxcordPapi Experienced Member

      Nov 4, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Thanks <33 c:
    14. AuxcordPapi

      AuxcordPapi Experienced Member

      Nov 4, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Thank you, and I completely agree that I wasnt active enough c: <3
    15. ImJustAndrew

      ImJustAndrew Boss Member

      Oct 26, 2015
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    16. Olivxr

      Olivxr Guest

      Perfect application,
      but I have never seen you yet, ingame or forums.
      I would like you to be more active on the forums, obviously you just started being real active on here.
      I can tell that you are experienced ingame, but I think being good on forums is important too.
      So if you just try and be more active, you will have my full support.
      Neutral, but good luck!
    17. AuxcordPapi

      AuxcordPapi Experienced Member

      Nov 4, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Thank you!c: <3
    18. Titanicguy

      Titanicguy Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Be more active on the forums.
      You're a great person ingame though,so neutral.Leaning alot on support though :)
    19. Resign

      Resign Experienced Member

      Feb 12, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Neutral, reasons stated.
      Good luck!!
    20. ShadowX

      ShadowX Active Member

      Jan 22, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Good luck anonymous!
      Last edited: Mar 8, 2016

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