Commander @MCheng @JackIsBack Mascot: @Prin @Marko The Cat IECU (Infection Elite Combat Unit): @bpatt10 (Head) @AthleticPsycho @Ducky @Hells Redempt @BlackZone514 Sniper Squad (reserved for p8-10): @Mookiezzx (Head) @word7032 @Aka_Illuminati AS (Anti-Spawnkill Squad): @lachie_jones99 (Head) @ojje_123 @D8_C41 Admin: @zachary0816 (Head) @sRm_sNiiPeR_b4 @SSMH @Lachy8440 @iTzLevisFFS @IG_Pegasus Backup: @Alma Robb @Diggy @KingAlex @Van @BDON33 Beast Incarnate: @xTechnoSkillz(1) @Fuse (magikarp) Airforce: @Leggomaster1 @MC_PvPWarrior57 Ally: @Echoed_ Here is the template: Ign: Prestige (it doesn't matter): Level (just xp lvl): Prefered rank:
IGN: zachary0816 Prestige: 0 Level (just xp): 57, did get reset so I should be prestige 1 Sgt Preferred rank: Any
Ign:sRm_sNiiPeR_b4 Prestige (it doesn't matter):4 Level (just xp lvl):196 Prefered rank:admin or IECU
Ign: M_PvPWarrior57_C Prestige (it doesn't matter): 1 Level (just xp lvl): 55 Prefered rank: I will take any ranks.