If you're already MVP, will getting top vote upgrade you to the next rank or just leave you as MVP? Thank you, - iChuckRice
Do all of them get MVP or how do they pick which one gets MVP? Thank you, -iChuckRice
For 3+ hours, no pigmen have spawned in my gold generator. Yesterday, it was working perfectly fine, but now ... not so much. Is this a bug or is...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: iChuckRice The offender's ingame name: DeadlyMoss and...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: iChuckRice The offender's ingame name: bobbyflakes A...
I would post a video of it, but it didn't let me. PM me if you want or need it. - iChuckRice
Also, if I have a monster spawner, is there an option to pick cows, sheeps, pigs, etc or are there specific spawners? Thank you,
1. How do you increase your island level? 2. How do you complete /c explorer? or how do you get netherracks? 3. What happened to hoppers? (Haven't...
Is there a way to mine monster spawners? Someone please help me! :c
My ingame name: SiRxBlock Offender ingame name: CHICKEN1215 Broken rule: Scamming / Spamming. Evidence: Screenshot provided.
I've come back to Skyblock and my island has been griefed and so have other popular warps.