I miss the old OP Prison, done right and the bugs being rectified this could work very well.
It was 9 years ago that i joined this server, well registered on the forums at least. I probably predate 95% of the users on the forum today. I...
Look at these
Also my skelly spawner turned to pig i had 3 spawner tha turned to pig
on opfaction i bought some spawner placed them i bought a cow one and it turned to pigalong with a other couple spawners why it also showed a messages
Full support
hey guys just wondering how mine verse uses bungee cord or what server do they use to host bungee cord and info about how i could setup a server...
would optifine be allowed i was thinking of downloading it to make my mine craft run smoother ik it sometimes its considered as a mod or hack
as topmass22 said practically its ban evading u got banned an du change ur account and internet so u can join back anyway if a admin or mod found...
i mean on forums
admin can u now lock this thread
also guys how do you do colour writing
oh ok guys i just thought it was weird i didn't know that
i was on prison at 9pm aest and this happened how did this guy vote so much hacking ya or nah
full support nice app and ur active and nice
support good application and your active
support on sky block u treate players with respect and also i think u would be a great mod 100% support