He is Standing on it and you cant hit him
Your ingame name:Metz2111 The offender's ingame name:S4nt3ri A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Hacking Evidence/screenshot
Can you check my unban appeal?
You Should Make A Warp Vaults That You Can Buy Vault With 5 Double Chests For 800$ Or More Its Will Be Useful For Alot Of Players.
see every 1 saying i am not hacking and idk that guys
idc he is your brother he put the video its his folt not mine
My Igm:Metz2111 The Offenders ign:XXSimonRockXX The Rule He Broke: Hacking Auto TPaccept Its Says he using killAura Evidence/Screenshot: [media]
and i can show you in screen share that i am not hacking
its steal not saying i am a hacker and btw i turned the hacks off when i got banned from factions
Rakion do you got skype its really important
And its says that if kzhalps is hacking so most of there faction is hacking
my ingame name:metz2111 The offenders name:Kzhalps the rule he broke:gangsta said in the chat that kzhalps had his render up screenshut:[ATTACH]
My ingame name:Metz2111 Offenders name:isakdragon1 what rule he broke: Hacking video:[media]
My ingame name:Metz2111 The offenders names:Dasyaar,Tjenkins6123 The rule they broked: using hacks I got 2 videos: 1:[media] 2:[media]
My ingame name:Metz2111 The offenders names: WilliamKristian and Jonesey654321 The rule they broke:Cheat/using hacks like anti knockback and...
My ngmae name:Metz2111 Thesteeflame He Using Hacked armour We Cant screen shot it