Support. Good luck.
@xiSqueak_ @DownDeep @OnionWarrior @Rachet @Christi @Mineterria
8/10 when at 200ms 5/10 when at 600ms
You can report them for glitch abusing, am I right? Still though, annoying asf.
Total support.
Your IGN: SuperKamehameha Offender's IGN: Sexy_Batman69 Rule Broken: Hacking, more specific Killaura. Evidence: [media] @canucksfan44
Old IGN: Skydiver27 New IGN: SuperKamehameha Transaction Info/Screenshots of rank proof:
SuperKamehameha, sadly SuperKaioken was taken.
Goodbye. :(
I'm Skydiver27, how could you not know me...
Oh look, it's Goku. I've been revived, and I challenge you. *Makes another tournament" Meet me at the ring. *CELL GETS REKT IN A HIT*
It's been a while.
It's because of the challenges. And the players here are kind. (Well, some of them)