crazydino is ieatwafflez, every1 else yr correct
Lemmie make one thing clear, Buggy should be ip banned for these reasons. He gets on many alts which is also easye which was banned a couple weeks...
Support bro.
Very organized, Support! Also make sure to play all gm's. I never ever seen you in game ;/. Let's change that?
Mowcar that idea would make no use for silktouch spawners. This is MINECRAFT your supposed to be getting resources from mining and crafting.
Fellow Administrators, Duping is still possible I say blacklist minecarts so it isn't possible at all. Even if you can't place minecarts, people...
iOptifine don't you play that pot server?? Anyways, if you are you rekt me easily. Also welcome to the forums!
Chance Brown, Don't post in reports. How old are you, because clearly you cannot see. The reason why I speed'd up the video is because it makes...
LOL! Them lies are real! Even Ducky the guy you were skyping said you were hacking when pvping me just stop with the excuses.
I have another clip of him hacking, ask if needed. But I'm sure this will do.
1. lionbdcraft 2. TheHiddenOne143 3. Kill aura & Critical hacks Before he gets banned, just a heads up he has been banned on kitpvp for hacks. So...