i mean like i said ive been inactive for a while but if you check my profile you can see ive been on the forum since 2013. Also didnt expect to...
what was your ign?
tbh i just applied to applied didnt expect to get mod. but ive been apart of the community since 2013. and i used to be a pvp and factions player....
Your in-game name: Gotwhyfhy (used to be xarticxmaster89 God rank) What timezone are you in? Central What country do you live in? Usa What...
WOW Its been crazy long since ive been on here
XArticXmaster89 Ap3x_swiftshot Xray mining evidence[MEDIA]
XarticXmaster89 I created this postnot realizing i had no evidecne
XarticXmaster89 Nice_Barel Kill Aura Evidence [MEDIA]
Your forums account name: XarticXmaster89 The offender's forums account name (link to profile): nopotsnoproblem A description of what rule they...
Your forums account name: XarticXmaster89 The offender's forums account name (link to profile): CureDiamond12 A description of what rule they...
Hey man Its XarticXmaster89 Sorry for being ignorant that day i was just made that you accused me of hacks. I hope we can team in the future.
yes i lost all my stuff:'(
I was in the netherr when i did that. its should have some warning on it or something
I when I did /wild in factions It teleported me outside of the world and killed me and I lost My p4, sharp v axe, sharp v sword,my efficiency IV...
Your forums account name: xarticxmaster89 The offender's forums account name (link to profile): electrostorm A description of what rule they...
in the reporrt forum
So i went to report someone and it wouldnt let me report them any help?
im cool