I thought I might as well make a goodbye thread you know, just to add on to the rest.. Anyway it's been pretty good with most of you guys I must...
Born feb 2nd? wow m8.. I'm feb 3rd
I still remember it like it was yesterday.. Aug 30, 1996 the day your mummy and my wife had you.. good times <3
The only animals I killed were pigs and you had spawners
Yeah and you say I'm horrible.. look at yourself mate. Never got banned from the whole server lol.. Stop spamming my app.. you sook when I...
You need proof
No I was talking to Hipsterchick..
CypriotMerks just looked at it...
Ign: smasher1245 Game mode banned on: Skyblock Link to accepted appeal: http://i.gyazo.com/e24be1f28e23d8d2aac711843f36d37a.gif Timezone and times...
How old are those screenshots man? kind a werid your never on forums until I make a mod app or something like that, and I'm not a cyber bully and...
Okay thank you Rei Thanks yerrt!
Thank you for this for a Member that was really informative.
http://data1.whicdn.com/images/8841776/thumb.gif How cute it's Ducky puppy.
Woah.. thank you so much for that.
Yup your about to over take Grayson in positives! :D
Yeah we know the commands for the plugin party and there's already been threads made on this.
didn't click the link xD