Hey, add me on Skype. I need to talk to your for a sec. iModemHD
I haven't been ingame for months and I RARELY ever come on forums.
Kid, my s*** cost way more then yours. You got yours prebuilt, you don't run 6 GC and no way in hell am I jealous.
My gaming pc would take yours and squish it into a little chicken nugget.
Lies, terrible, terrible..... lies.
I just bought @samuelgamer123 Titan for no absolute reason what so ever. Enjoy, I guess.
Loving the snow :) Totally not HTML edit of *
I'm 14, still make money lol
Get a job [ATTACH]
How to: 1. Buy parts and build a nice pc
copriut i just tri 2 b nice3
It's disposed, no more. Just my email verification.
Will do.
I know exactly what his computer specs are. His PC; http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883227537
Send info in PM.
How to order ------------------------------- Send me a PM w/ Address, State, City, Zip Code and Name What you can get...
He doesn't lol. He's just a little meepgot.