I try to do everything ppl tell me to do be mature and stuff but I can't if I keep hearing your not mature or you did not follow the rules JesusJesus
I followed all the rules this sucks!
I already did Conor WaltonWalton
And trust me I'm mature
Yes sir ;-( I'll become more familliar tho I do play on mine verses games a lot sir
Nobody was talking to you
So lemme get this straight I'm not getting moderator?
Sorry chupacabra I sent two because the other guy didn't respond
I sent a new draft. Chupacabra200
I know fry zig
Plz don't leave. Hanging
I'm 15 Master_mcmaster8 Pacific timezone United States I know English and Im learning French I only play games i usally don't visit minecraft...
I really want moderator msg me as soon as you can
Anyone there i really want moderator all I want is a yes/no
I' am 16 I'm the one in the top left of my profile picture My in game name is master_mcmaster8 Us/canada pacific time zone My country is United...
I really want moderator when I get on mine verse I usually play kit pvp I love your server I'd like to know if I could Apple for moderator I...