How old are you? I am 14 Your in-game name: MinecraftHaven12 What timezone are you in? Central Time Zone (United States of America) What country...
We want to freaking demote the leader! We're not going to ask the leader demote himself
Several members of our faction (AlphaOmegaPhi) don't like our faction leader. He won't let have a lot of freedom in our base. He also doesn't come...
Banned for being having Bio in your name
People were telling me to add color.
Sorry about that
How old are you? - I am 13 years old Your in-game name: MinecraftHaven12 What timezone are you in? US&Canada What country do you live in? I live...
Thanks for all of the support guys!! I guess the big decision is up to Noobcrew though. Loving the support!
Hey Grace_Chua, it's nice to meet u.
Minecraft is Awesome!! All Who say otherwise are dead to me!.
I would like to request more maps on survival games. It is good right now, but more maps would boost popularity for this server. If u go on other...
Can I plz have support?? Say support if u support my ideas
Can I have some support everyone?
yea srry
Hey Noobcrew plz check out my Prison Guard application. thx for creating an awesome server
Eco79 in game, u can do /shop and u get access to a shop in-game
I have a few suggestions that in my opinion, would improve skywars. 1. Add a variety of maps 2. Give money to people when they win 3. Increase...
I agreed that there need to be more guards on Mineverse Prison. If u agree w/ me plz read my prison guard application which can be found on the...
How long have u been playing Mineverse? I have played for about 2 years. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? I do have some...