Are you bombersaur?
Getting my new pc (64 bit windows 7 Technical stuff) on Tuesday hopefully! (Uk Time xD)
Hey come on Op Prison xD
You love me really
@Noobcrew ?
Which problem? The one where he didnt read it right or donor transfer?
Nailed it
haha its easily done don't worry.
I don't know about headphones but i have apple earphones xD
Kiefermanx got his rank transfered to so i think it is possible.
I know what a donation is and i am not asking to get refunded am i? I am simply asking for the rank to be transfered.
On the original hellblock, I donated $100 for LavaGod. I was wondering if i could get the rank transfered to Minverse's 'God'? I beleive it is...
Thanks :3 well they will take a while because i know making ranks is a pain with all the perms but i suppose i'l just have to wait a bit longer.
Do the old hb donors get their ranks on hb because alot of people a really annoyed since they havnt got them