Her Other Helper Is awsumness943
There Is A Someone On Mineverse Making An Ender Portal Trap And Trapping People. I Helped 1 girl to get out. Please Ban Her. Her IGN Is IshSkylar.
Hello,I Would Like To Report Someone Named,AppTrends,He Made The Ender Portal Trap On His Plot And Trapped A Few People. He Made Is To Be Enclosed...
Someone On Skywars Is Advertising Please Ban. Here Is A Screenshot Of Her Advertising.
Hello,Me and My Friends Where Playing Creative When The Plot Next To My Friend Were Copying A Pixel Art That We Made But That Didn't Bother Us As...
How old are you? 11 Your in-game name: MiniPiggy1 What timezone are you in?Central Time Zone (UTC-06:00) What country do you live in? Texas What...
I Do Understand. Im just asking will it change my plot to my ign i have now o-o
Can u ban some1 in lobby? They keep spamming inappropriate things in chat
Someone is spamming in chat! In lobby
Someone is advertising on Skywars And Keeps spaming.
What would that do exactly? And if yall can yall msg me here when i get an Email please?
Does It say Anthony Pepperoni? For the gmail cause thats whats showing up?
Hi. I wanted to change my name from a plot because since im MVP i get 2 plots. My 1st plot is named angelpie101 Then i changed to MiniPiggy1 and...
Hey. Can you help me please on creative i changed my name right now to AnimeMini but my old one was angelpie101 and i have MVP on the server. I...
Hey. Someone is accusing me for hacking bc someone have me a sword that is enchanted with lots of stuff. It says its a Titan sword or something....
Can i send u an email cause i dont know where to put the Ban thing
Hi, my IGN is MiniPiggy1 before it was angelpie101. I was banned by you for advertising on accident cause i forgot about the advertising rule and...