Lol I dont ddos people plus this isnt advertising. I'm just asking if people want to record on mineverse with me :/
If anyone has Skype and wants to collaborate on YouTube, contact me at my Skype: never.say.creeper Email:[email protected] SUBSCRIBE TO MY...
110% support Btw guys, I am the owner of corosivepvp and I rate unidentified 8/10 on how good he did (he is also a GREAT builder)
I'm so confused. Why would you think anyone would want to join a clan with gay in the name? No offense to gay people but serriosly? You could...
Actually you can't operate outdated plugins. I know this because I own a server of my own and plugins are VERY picky at what version your on. Once...
It took me a while to figure out prison. That doesn't mean I'm not annoyed by the noobs.
Well i don't want to spam them
Like I told Ares, they never responded so he told me to post here.
I've already talked to Ares about this, he told me to post it here.
I lost my rank My old ign p: MrCreeper5694 New ign: neversaycreeper Servers I need my rank on: survival, factions, infection, prison, skyblock...
Well, i just started really doing youtube a lot but i have one problem: not enough people whatch my videos so i dont have much motivation to make...
IGN: MrCreeper5694 Age: 14 What rank are you applying for: Moderator What server am i applying for?: survival and factions. Why you deserve to...
I like your app its way better than mine was :P Good luck XD
I just wanted to post sumtin :P
Just added mor info, i will add more tomorrow
I don't think i have the time now but i will add lots more information.
Well if your main language isn't English then why not chat in whatever language you speak in? And by the way, i wasn't trying to be disrespectful
Do you even know what"rasiest" means? By the way it is spelled "racist" And racist means, and this is the exact definition: a person who believes...
True, but 11 year olds are sometimes immature. I guess if he can show his maturity then yeah, total support
Hmmm if you've scammed and hacked in the past, how do we know you won't repeat yourself?