Yes, I have changed my name back.
Children I have thy news. In 3 + weeks, my computer will be fixed.
So I recently changed my name to Princess_Calzone and now on Creative I don't own my plot anymore, my old user does. I am added to my plot, but...
Please halp me I changed my name and now I don't own my plot I need medical help my user is Princess_Calzone please help I'm not okay
I must suck at this "I'll be good" thing. Just got banned on another server ;-;
Ign: CJJUTTE Game mode banned on: Creative Link to accepted appeal:...
Oh Can you also upgrade my friend? Her IGN is olive_eater and she is default. If you could do that you'd be my bae XD She would just want sponsor...
Omg xD
Oh great wizard would you be so kind as to upgrade me from Sponsor to VIP? I feel so poor asking but its free xD
Happy Thanksgiving! <3
Ily Guys <3