I have video proof of Baccus hacking on KitPvP [Link] [MEDIA]
In game name TrollingBirdz66
I bought a spawner on January 5, 2015 and I received the spawner in-game. I placed it hoping that you right click and change it like another...
I know this I kept it short and simple and got right to the point there is no need for me to butter up my application I got down right to the...
How old are you?I am Fourteen years of age Your in-game name: DeBirdz66 What timezone are you in? central time What country do you live in? I Live...
You should put more consideration into this application
SUPPORT! 100000000%
Thank you! SooperAwesome for your support!
Thank you for your support, xCubanGlitcherHD, I really appreciate the thought.
I am thirteen years of age, my in-game name is DeBirdz66,I live in central time (U.S.A). I am a male I speak English and Spanish, I think I...
Where would I apply for moderator at? I've been on this server for a while and i think it is time for me too apply for moderator, but i do not...