Ameliatheteabagg ADuckysLife They hack, they were being accused at first but then eventually admitted it.[IMG] [IMG] I don't know if the photo...
Hacker on infection, please come, have evidence but don't know how to make thread, many thanks, Amelia x
Hacker on infection, I have proof but i don't know how to make a thread, please come, thank you x.
I was griefed and bullied by 2 people on skygrid they are still online please come =,(
[IMG] The last time i reported i dont think the image uploaded, but there is a girl named xX_RoseDragon_Xx who advertised on her plot. When she...
On creative xX_RoseDragon_Xx was advertising on her plot. When i warned her about it she banned me from her plot and then destroyed all the signs,...
/Users/Amelia/Pictures/iPhoto Library.photolibrary/Masters/2016/10/07/20161007-164205/2016-10-07_16.40.29.png
Advertiser on creative xX_RoseDragon_Xx, i dont know how to make a thread but i have evidence and link is more than 140 words?
i am here to report 2 things. 1. i found my plot griefed and it tool me and my friend ages to make! :( 2. On the path there is random minecarts...
Someone named - Jrw3456TheGreat stole someones book they spent ages on making when the person who got stolen from died.I think Jrw should get...
Hello i am meefmoo. I would love to be a moderator. I live in England and i am 15. My name is meefmoo on minecraft and i love to help people who...
Mermaid_Sian is griefing someones school i was off then i joined back on and she was destroying everything O.O please ban her she keeps doing this...
Hi:) Im meefmoo and Im here to apply to be a moderator. I play survival games skywars and most of the other minigames. I want to be a moderator to...
I think its AY679
Being bullied by this guy on parkour because im on level III :( i will send full name on next post