Was he hacking? Lol..
hey everyone
I just want to put this out there that some players that dont know what some of the skywars items are are accusing me of hacking. Personally I...
Ares I understand this but that was a year ago in the past. If u go and read other applications most of the people say they have been banned but...
Alright Its done Please support bros!
Maxermine2 Moderator App: How old am I: I am 14 years old. What is my in-game name: My in game-name on minecraft is maxermine2. What time...
I am dissapointed when i bought all the new skywars items to see that it was all a waste of money! Please watch the videos. The first one is...
hey everyone maxermine2 here! I have been doing mineverse livestreams on TWITCH lately! Twitch is a live video website which is like utube and...
how do i make my discussion titles bold mine show up light and bad. I want them dark and black
HEY GUYS! I have been doing livestreams on Mineverse lately! I would appreciate it if you all could come follow me at...
250 million to my family 250 million for future and myself 500 million to charity and the poor and homeless
cypriotmerks hello im maxermine2. I JUST MADE A VERY IMPORTANT report on a player i would appreciate it if u could check it out plz.
oh this video is above
PLEASE HELP I WAS SCAMMED 2000 DOLLARS ON KITPVP! A guy said he would upgrade me to elite! Watch this vid and please BAN THIS PLAYER! im very...
The player that messaged me in the screenshot below told me foul language and disrespectful content. Please take action and ban this player or...
Please ban this hacker mods. Here is proof below.