When I used to live in New Zealand they had a thing called rough paintball basically you get grenades RPGs and you can tackle each other what I...
When you get to the roof?
It my favourite :D
We'll I have recently seen some new game des about zombies which are awsome and one of them I made my self on my server, some of these are DayZ so...
Lol that signature
Hmm new game how many hashtags can you fit in a sentence to do with your mod app #support #sco4guard #legend #guard #boo #hurryup #scoformod...
Hurry up and get guard I'm fed up of reeding constant threads :P I can't wait for you to get it also you MUST join my army cause yeah it's awsome...
Support #wafflearmy
I said under p1
Dking0131 ?
It's dking then some numbers
We'll see I must admit the language used in the captions is pretty horrifying and you gotta think isn't mincraft like a 7+ Also Seamus what...
actually you do I'm pretty sure sharp 5 with fire 2 + strength 2 basically 1 hits anything under p1
One you need evidance and two you say he took no damage but this is literally impossible as god mode dosent work on anything to do with mineverse...
Effleawyrreeubbs Lol a little close
I got to rank c then I stopped Playing I got a little bored of mc but I'll be back on when I'm off for 2 weeks school holiday :D
100 % support cause I've known you since that start of prison one and you haven't changed a bit xD you still tell me to stop if I'm doing...