Your ingame name: Lunawolf2754 The offender's ingame name: CaptainEds A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: INSERT INGAME NAME...
So i just chased a dog down a hill...
Having a cold sucks D;
Finally got B-Prisoner on Prison :3
Your ingame name: Lunawolf2754 The offender's ingame name: Thejack2222 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Thejack2222 was...
Sorry, I've fixed that. They're both up now.
Your ingame name: Lunawolf2754 The offender's ingame name: Tizerxeldunarix A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They were...
Thanks :3 Also, I tend to be in-game a lot, i just never really have much to say, so i don't talk much. I'll try to change that.
Thanks for all of the support guys :3
Hey guys, and thanks for taking the time to read my application! I decided to make this application because I feel that while Prison doesn't...
Support :D All the best luck to you!
Sorry about that. I've fixed it.
My in-game name: Lunawolf2754 Offender's in-game name: Bobiam Reason for reporting: He private messaged me and demanded that I either give him 5k...
School's done for the day, time for Mineverse!
Thanks all of you who are supporting me :3 I really appreciate it.
This is copied almost exactly from SomeGuy's moderator application. The entire opening paragraph is copied exactly from his, and the answers to...
So I've officially finished my first week of 9th grade. I'll try to continue to be active on both the forums and Mineverse in general.
Hey, some of them were legit reasons. Don't pretend to be innocent.
Hey guys, and thanks for taking the time to read my application! I decided to make this application because I feel that while Mineverse doesn't...