Okay then my Then i can say that to my friend he Cryed when he said he can die by Canser
But it Showes him saying it?
I need help Clxrty I reported a Guy for Saying To my Friend that he can do and die by Canser But he said in on Norwegian Can you mods transfer...
@PandaBear__ @Dyna_Mighty @cheetahswimmer And he said this about 4-5 days ago
1. Mzgood 2. Verden1234 3. He Told My friend in msg That he Has Canser and that he could go and die and my friend have had canser and he wanted me...
No support
1. mzgood 2. ronaldomac1 3. He started Spamming #PorkyFormod and it Got Enoying
If that is Everything you Say against Porkchop just that he Have not Written that much He IS an So helpful guy He helps Every new player and those...
I Support you porkchop I hope you get Mod ;) you are An amazing Player that keeps everyone happy and So many ppl Trust in you I hope that you get...
He hacked Again.
1. Mzgood 2. Verkas12563 3. The Player Used Anti Kb and Kill aura Against my friend matti56789 and this Issent the first time Verkas12563 has...
There was A Problem with Uploading the Evidence: The following error occurred There was a problem uploading your file. 2016-04-17_20.40.06.png
1. Mzgood 2. Verkas12563 3. He Started Spamming I am A Scammer so i Reported this
1. Mzgood 2 verden1234 3 He started spamming to me and yelling and saying bad things so i reported him and he spammed way more than that dident...
Sorry my screen shot Dosent work idk why
1. Mzgood 2 Collect_mxsty 3 Spamming in chat This was the wrong with the evidence There was a problem uploading your file....
1. mzgood 2. Offers name Verden1234 3. he spammed Give back! and i dident like this idk why i started spaming and yelling at me so i reported it
he called me black
he called me i dident say that in the forums