Happy Easter Everyone!
went to the big
Climber map! ---> http://www.mineverse.com/threads/updated-new-the-climber-map-by-ilikeicecream83-staffordjr9-power-tower.44554/#post-445011
He didn't have max money at the time, it was around 3 hours before he hit it.
Hello, my ign is staffordjr9 and I recently had a glitch with money on skyblock. What happened was I had $447,567.51 and I tried to pay...
Thank You :)
bump @CypriotMerks
Not to be mean or anything, but this is a map, not a house. I personally cannot see any more detail that can be added. If you could leave some...
Well theres one that responded, but he can't do anything about it.
I know I was quoting him and yes because the server actually trusts people to tell the truth.
The proof is number of people affected
no... pickled_turnips got her money back without proof, besides I don't have a screenshot with my bal on it. I wasn't anticipating this failure....
Ikr, why doesn't anyone but canucksfan44 care?
bump @Noobcrew plz help
I play skyblock all the time, but occasionally play infection, parkour, and creative
This isn't my account, the one that I left this comment on is.
They're not reseting skyblock, noobcrew said it himself
Yeah I will let u know, Thanks