I was playing factions and we buyed a cow a spawner and we placed it in are base it was a pig.Can you change it to cow?
ign:bigdragoneye100 rank: god Proof: [IMG][IMG]
Skywars Ign: bigdragoneye100 Rank:God Proof:[IMG]
ign: bigdragoneye100 issue: my rank on skywars is not there but its on everything else so can you pls come to skywars and give my rank back pls i...
Ill admit i hacked i was using it cause i needed money the vote wouldn't work for me
100% support :D you were one of the best mods good luck on getting mod :D you deserve another chance :)
In game name: bigdragoneye100 Offenders name: 21fox rule/how it was broken: hacks don't know the name of it Evidence/screenshots:[IMG][IMG]
but bye
huh thaght you hated me
well your stupid baby im not irongolem50
see you just lied because you were talking to me in skywars and you said look so I did I am bigdragoneye100 -.-
baby .... don't you know im bigdragoneye100
im searsly a player
connor im not irongolem50
you are leing
im trying to say that you have to have a reason to not support.. lieing is not a answer
what im saying is you need to also give a reason of why you have no surport and lieing is not a answer
no you said he hacks witch is a lie
You are not on this page to fight, use vulgar language, hate on people, you are here to either support, or not support FOR A LEGIT REASON NOT FROM...