??? you randomly get shot at the first thing that comes to your mind is not take a picture. I would think. Hopefully.
How are people supposed to get evidence when you dont know its gonna happen :l
Your in-game name: wseamon12 The offender's in game name: blendz A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: glitching/hacking...
Heres another
In kitpvp I found the hideout thats just flat land, ok? After this, any server I go to glitches the heck out. Can i get some help? Photos only...
lol supr3m3 supp0rt xD haz u fun p4d4wan xdxdxd
My name: wseamon12 His name: Baaalar26 Offence: Scamming Evidence: Also, the item bought instead of the 10k voter keys is a 7 billion dollar...
I cant post on report forms? I found a major scam OP Prison, but cant report it on the fourms! Please help!
Hrary might call names, but that is about all he does that is wrong. He never scams, hacks, nothing. Hrary full sport m8 gl d00d h0p3 u g3t m02
Hes a fine sir, will do just fine as a mod. Hes not perfect, but nobody is, right? gl hrary ~wseamon12
Here is him throwing my pickaxe into the lava.
I was making a 5 Billion dollar transaction at my plot, and a man, SSlender_XD , came and stole my pickaxe and threw it in lava. I think this...
Now another, cpt_cammo
Owehttamy, Seitako, Gregpepiscool, and LolaLover33 all tresspassed when the sign at my warp said no tresspassing/leaving the premisies. I would...