1. IGN - kubasliz 2. Skype (To Send File) [Must have] - Pm you. 3. Few things you want - whatever
The way lizzie just says: Jarroy can you fix my stuff? xD
I wonder who will be the first person banned on that gamemode. ;-;
Cool!! I got it my island is pretty big... ;-;
I think its negative and positive. Negative because /warps don't work. Positives are because its really fun to play! :D
the spam is just like ;-;
It just came out!!
Eww... Windows... xD I love macs.
The guy on the kfc logo. Ronald Mcdonald. (Hey! Don't blame me my kid is having her 12th birthday) A baseball bat.
When can we actually connect to hellblock?
Umm. Nice... ;-;
Support. Great Idea!
Bandetta - Foodetta its sponsored by the 2 towns. ;-)
nope no pvp :)
People come to a free FOOD warp for a reason. For free food not diamonds. Nice trying of betting me. :) G'lack
Yea still.