If you are bad at pvp, become better.
It's still disrespectful. Just say be quiet next time. Remember Etiquette/Netiquette
come back to skyblock.net </3
Can you not go get better graphics or are you just going to stick with #aatrilogy art
Hai :D
omg Ace Attorney <3
What is the Prison plugin for MV?
thanks guys :>
lets go to prison shall we u can be mah gaurd if at all possible
Dlaczego mowimy po Polsku? To nie jest Polski Forum... :t:
Ye, but theoretically I would have access to more Forum actions than normal mods, and I could compile a banlist or get on from time to time.
That's why I wish I was a Forums Mod ;-;
on the server
Are you on or waht
I miss /nick (Donor 50 in SB net, and Donor 10 on org...guess I have to donate here too eh)
Also, @MiningCreeper454 I'll take the cookie bribe then I'm EpicnessMJB137
k lemme download MC Fair Note: I don't play MC like 99% of teh time unless I feel like it
oh its you from SB I remember you
As long as he's got them cookies. 5 more minutes
Kind of Jelly of @Pile_of_Butts I'm (kind of, technically) applying to be a Forum Moderator on SB lel