nvm i fixed it
i went to my plot on op prison and it still says it is claimed by me but i cant destroy blocks or place any. any help?
so today i was on creative and then a bunch of people got warped to Penis. someone is using /warp [warpname] [playername] so if you could remove...
yeah thats what i meant c:
so today i was making a new skyblock and i got glitched then i finally got out so i decided to make a warp but then it said i already had one, and...
my ign: Nilrac29 Spammers ign: captainpigfan he kept spamming the chat making it lag and kept paying everyone $0.01. he did this for a while...
How old are you? 15 Your in-game name: Nilrac29 What timezone are you in? ACTC What country do you live in? Australia What languages do you...
yeah tomorrow i will add more
ok. thank you i am being impatient and just really want to get it. hanks again c: also i will be going in 2 mins
i know. but what if they dont see it? and also no support or support? (sorry if i sound like an idiot)
do i get a mod to lock this or just keep it like this because no ones reading my application
yes thanks!
ok thanks. by the way did you see my mod app?
no staff were looking at my app and i didn't know how to delete it so i made this i dont know if i am allowed to if not please remove this
http://www.mineverse.com/threads/aus-mod-app.23131/ no staff apart from one even looked at it. please read it and post a comment if theres...
i have edited it for more info! hope this will get you to support me (:
Ok i will(: thanks!
I have seen you twice on infection but it doesn't matter. also i am well known on parkour. and i have been here since april. sorry if i sound like...
How come someone posted something 5 minutes ago and got 1,376 view and i posted mine half an hour ago and no-ones seen it?