I did make some maps awhile ago but none of them were accepted But what Im basically saying is that most of these maps, there is always more than...
Recently, I have been playing a lot of Infection as it is a my favorite gamemode/server. However I feel that in order to make infection a lot...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Hi everyone! I was building for the past few days and I finally accomplished it. My...
Ok so i have made a few changes to the map. i took the watch tower and made 3 entrances. Opened up the bathroom so donors can team up. Finally i...
@SomeGuy thats the hardest thing about this.. everything has to have 2 entrances or wide entrances. im working on it to the best of my ability but...
@Glitcher726 I did make a few easter eggs with secret spots. However I am not releasing them. You will have to find them for your self : D
Okay @jadey64 I made it a little smaller on purpose to get rid of the extreme OP gods power. if i made it larger even sponsors would survive it...
Hi! I have created a new infection map that I am hoping to get added into the actual mini game. This map is named JailBreak. It is an old run down...
sorry, cant figure out how to delete this post. (ima newb)
This isnt really a report but i found out that chilo123 is hacking. Just me tell staff to watch him : D
Your ingame name: xX_Matt0803_Xx The offender's ingame name: Mowcar A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Sexual talk in chat....