Oh and.... Did someone else vote on the same computer? If so they are probably voting again on the same account and so the website thinks that...
No he doesn't. If it says that he already did than he just cant. If he had to do the captcha than it would of told him.
What do you mean by can't vote? I can click the vote button by donate and ti will take me to the website. Or do you mean you can vote but when you...
I am very confused. It seems that them both are telling the truth.o_O
I think he should get jailed for a while. Spamming should not be tolerated.:mad:
Pretty good. But i recommend that you add some things from your personnel life. DON'T add any private information such as codes and such. It would...
I recommend that you check out some of the other mod applications. You can learn a lot about making them from there.
Um i know where you got it. novaskin. Its pretty good aint it.
DON'T be begging! We already have enough of them. Asking for admin?! SERIOUSLY!
So one day i found a cell rented by Noobcrew. And so i ask why is he renting a cell when he doesn't even play on prison. I suggest that it be...
lol. Another smiley. :eek:!
Ummm. The smiley gives me the creeps. Its just staring at you. With a smile.
I love spleef! But when it comes to it id rather another game mode. I think that there isn't enough pvp. I mean kit pvp and op pvp are good. But...
Um why would someone joke like that? I've seen multiple people get banned like that.
Well if you want less lag then you should help by suggesting how to fix it. How i would do so is by asking the admins to ether 1 Clear up the...
Ugh........ What just happened again?
Definitely hacking!
Here are some suggestions from CRAZ YFLYING CHIPMUNK! 1 Under ground tunnels (maze) 2 Lots of clouds around the island. But also some secrets in...
HI! Welcome. If you want to meet me. GO TO INFECTION! P.S. in game name williamvunk
Support! People know im 11 and yet they still do it!