I'm on both lists (For some particular reason I suppose) and I am only Rank Commander, I have payed no money.
If mine is "Irrelevant" then I suppose I can tag yours as Hypocrisy. As you seem to be wanting attention on a certain subject, yet are against any...
I think it's pretty easy to see a thread you don't like and simply press the back button, or go to the home page. Or how about this, you could...
Ahh, I hate to see you go man, you're a great guy. You and I were the only Commanders to stay true and strong. I'll miss you. Even though I rarely...
I'm pretty positive I can call you immature, I'm actually 100% sure that I can. Basically, I can type anything I want and click "post reply" it's...
You're welcome for telling you the error of your immature ways. And you're right, my opinion doesn't involve reporting those who are better than...
I don't see how this is anywhere close to hacks, I don't know if you know this, but you can see where enders are going to land, maybe you're not...
You're loyal, quite considerate, honorable, trustworthy, and have the courage and confidence to say what needs to be said. Support! Good-luck...
As well as the jump up and down the 1 block higher level is where I see crits taking place, as well as a jump in the main land as he is hit to the...
Even those this is against me, counting the hits I see 1/2, 1/2, 1, 1, (he regens 1/2) 1/2, 1/2, 1, 1, 1/2, 1, 1/2. Then he flees
Are you far-sighted? I said it was cleared up within a few hours. Meaning that I was banned, they realized I don't hack, and they un-banned me, no...
I hack? I've been banned once and it was cleared up within a few hours.... If I hack, record me, I know multiple people have already tried, you...
I've got to agree with McNerd. His list is accurate, but Davis never plays anymore sadly so replace him with another, I can't think of one....
What a beautiful world we live in, am I right? I'll join this here clan! If I shall be accepted. Hmm, it seems to me both McNerd234 and RTNation...
Sorry jadey64, no problem here, just setting some things straight with my fellow MV players!
I saw that, just made a forum account, replying to all my hate mail.
Way to turn that around...I was directing you to get out of PvP because you're lagging, it's not a legit kill when you're standing there glitching...
Haha, thank you Onion for the little insert about me. You have my support, good luck!
Kicked before any damage is taken, it's literally the blink of an eye.
I am kicked from the game within 1/2 a second, that gives no time for me to die.