Congrats everybody!
Your ingame name: adriantran12345 The offender's ingame name: AtuPc A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Creating a lot of pig...
1. adriantran12345 2. Unidentified and MrCreeper5694 3. Unidentified Threatened to kill my villagers and used his titan shovel to mess up the...
Agreed, there should also be a crop protecting plugin because people keep stomping on my crops on my island.
I agree, my little brother watches me play on this server. He is 5.
I was there I'm adriantran12345 those were bots. IDK what those were though
The guy was using the mcmmo unarmed skill look it up. :)
HungaGamesLova, you were the one that stomped on my crops!!! I'm, adriantran12345.