KatoKillsMyGpa Amdini, Female, 20 Sterf Mermbr
Congratz! You learned how to be a dumba**! It won't be a shock if you get demoted. *rolls eyes*
Pics or didn't happen
Build my thing
If you dont have anything on-topic to this thread, then leave it.
You're such a joke... Just get outta here... Good luck :) I'd also suggest adding more detail. :p
Please use correct grammar. lol
I disable it.
Shapurt da salad
Nothing wrong with FullBright. lol NoFall really doesn't make a difference considering if I fall I die in the void.
Mhm. Nodus is legal. Look at my sig.
It makes no difference as advertising is advertising. Also, remove the ip or a mod could forum ban you.
I beat level IV today in Parkour, and I wish to do it again. I'd rather not demote myself to level III again. So, could you please let us do...
It doesn't matter if he didn't mean it. He did it. You're not going to get out of jail by saying "I'm just a noob and didn't know it wasn't...
Advertising is the biggest rule on parkour. Advertising is advetising, it doesn't matter what way he does it. It's a ban. Also, this format is all...
offenders ing: CosmoNumber6 my ing: awesomeyoshi64[ATTACH]
I'd support if you didn't smell so bad :< :t MewFluff4Mud2069
/facedesk They need to make it more obvious