IGN: _xXDarkVoidXx_ 1st picture //saying him relogged to turn off his hacks client off 2nd picture// talking about his kill aura 3rd picture//...
wat do you mean ?
IGN : zFishingRod_PvP Reason : Kill Aura Proof : [media]
IGN : tobiaskp8 & AdrianDaleng Reason : Anti-Knockback , Kill Aura Proof : [media]
IGN : KoenWillems5103 Reason: Kill Aura And Auto Eat Proof [media]
IGN : _xXDarkVoidXx_ (Me) Reason : Auto Eat And Anti-Knockback Proof : [media]
Reason : Hacks Proof : [media][media]
Reason : Hacks Proof : [media][media][media][media][media]
You Can Even Check On My Receiving Record If They Have That
Thats The Only Screenshot I Took
This Is Not Fake As Well logfin825
I Got 100mill instead of 100bill
Its A Bug
How Is It Fake ?
Here is the Proof : http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=qsw7yv&s=8#.VIs4XXuYnmN
IGN : lightningfingers Reason : Anti-Knockback And NoSlowDown Proof : [media]
IGN : Truelegend_9879 Reason : Auto Armour And Kill Aura Proof : [media]
IGN : Raz3RxD Reason : Kill Aura And Anti Knockback Proof : [media]
IGN : Nickmndz808 Reason : Kill Aura Proof : [media]
IGN : Croed67 Reason : Kill Aura And Crits Proof : [media]