Im online now, and CypriotMerkz is online, he is at Archer PvP, im trying to talk to him but hes ignoring me, for real.
How can i find them in game? I know about /staff, i mean how can i be online at the same time they are?
This is the answer from support young lady. .-.
I finally received an answer from support about my levels, however I don't see how the answer helps me in any way. "Please contact CypriotMerkz,...
I lost my levels as well, i lost 4 prestiges and 53 levels, i sent an email to support but still no answer.
I have proof, a screenshot, is that enough?
I choosed to ignore? No, i sent an email already, about 8 hours ago. You staff members choose to ignore us, telling yourselfs there is nothing you...
Yeah i know, and for the guy who said mods cant do anything, well all we have are moderators, owners, developers are the only who could get fixed?...
I lost 4 prestiges and 53 levels in an blink of an eye, i wont forget about it until someone fix, i will keep making threads about it. THIS is...
I need a staff member to read this and answer me right now, i saw the other threads about this, not a single staff member answered, im not going...
Oh really, because if i understood well some people didnt lost their levels, so they didnt reseted, and if some people were able to keep it i want...
There is a problem, a lot of people went back to recruit in infection, its not the first time something like this happened, i lost 4 prestiges and...
I dont see any mods or staff members here to answer us. I lost 4 prestiges and 53 levels and i wont just forget about them, fix this now! [ATTACH]
Good for you, i lost everything. .-.
I went from p4 level 53 to level 0 prestige 0 [ATTACH]
I dont know what is going on really, besides i cant even join infection anymore. Exception Connecting:ReadTimeoutException : null
Okay, everybody lost all their levels at infection, i was prestige 4 level 53, it took alot of time to me and it cant just vanish like this, fix...
[ATTACH] I was prestige 4 lv 53 and now im a private first class prestige 0, fix this!
So i just lost my levels and voted for nothing? unbelievable...
Ok, today i was at infection, i was level 119 waiting for vote and get sgtmaj, when i voted for my surprise i lost levels, i was level 119 and i...