I definitely see evidence of the range he's hitting but he wasn't using kill aura or he would be hitting the other person too.. Also what armor...
I was not aware.. Well I was just trying to help him out...
timbucktooz there is no way to open your "evidence". When you are in your forum post click on show full image.. Click on full image to open the...
Hey Mineverse! Here's another report.. Eleader is typing inappropriate content into chat. As well as spamming the content. Thanks! -KD0G45[ATTACH]...
Hey Mineverse! How's my favorite server doing? Here is a report from tonight, thanks for the hard work! Keep it up! -KD0G45 P.S.- As you can see...
I see plenty of evidence in the second image...
There is no evidence of hacking here.
He cannot get in trouble for this... Although it is quite annoying that "gods" would do this to new players, they do and there is nothing you can...
Hey guys. Today in kitpvp mp5k37 was fast bow hacking with his friend. I'm trying to get a screenshot atm. Heres evidence... The guy to the left...
IGN:KD0G45 Hacker:kurosakykun Reason: Bow Speed Hacking "AND THE HACKERS WIN AGAIN" The top screeny is kurosakykun and the second one down is...
cocobeans360 was hacking in kitpvp and still is at this moment 12:34 (7:00 mountain time) Here are some screenshots... JolyStNick also has the...
Thanks jadey64! Do you guys have a plug-in you made or is it from Bukkit? I can maybe help because I know quite a lot about servers and plug-ins...
Hello Mineverse! I would very much appreciate it if you could fix the default pig spawners soon! Thanks for your great work! KD0G45