Hi umm so today ive been playing alot of skyblock and recently got back into minecraft a bit but i did a challenge of which the reward is various...
Hello, my name is Minecraft_2122 and well, I don't play much or any minecraft anymore so this is basically my goodbye. Iv'e made a lot of friends...
Ok thank you Pile_of_Butts
No just today he wasn't afk and didnt reply
I have owned a plot now on prison for about 1-2months repeatly asking gwism I game to remove the chest shops but he just doesn't want to help....
Sorry to post here but you doing /! There on the fence post is a bug exploit.
100000000000% support. :)
Everyone deserves that second chance, including you I support. :) Ps You were never corrupt.
I can make applications but they do take a while to create. I've never made one that's used websites etc before I've only ever made private...
To begin with I don't organise my inventory therefore not caring bout what's in my hot bar so I just killed Troyboy dropping one, the only items I...
You dedosed that simple it's where u lag and there's nothing you can do bout it when it happens only hope that it stops
Yep hacks
U killed me with kill aura and u report others?
#DATKILLAURA not sure bout no kb He is a hacker
Hello my name is Minecraft_2122 and I was wondering if you could remove chest shops from my plots number 66 thanks
Lol hacks
Just few ideas for voting and some other In game stuff: Voting Ideas Reward suggestions - instead of splash potions that you can't use say maybe...