wait i mean titan for the last one
i have been scamed alot in the past week so this is one i fully got please can i get my money back i gave him bascialy 500k for god and another...
I need rank supreme or god my current rank is elite ill will give you all of this
i got 21k on prison >?
In Game name RealCp3 Reasone why should i get the rank because i play mineverse alot and its fun and i would want to rankup because i cant rankup...
This is all my evidences he scammed me i asked for a sharp V axe and he gave me a starter axe the cost its 480k and can i have my money back to...
Support all day ;);):):):):)
i was saying anyone selling a sharp V axe and he said he has one so i said i dont have enought cash the sharp v axe was supposse to be 500k but it...
can some one Rank me to Supreme or god ill trade in game money for it ign Asomejohn777 and i now how to spell Awesome Op fac i got 400kup and...
Ign AsomeJohn777 what sever do i play on the most Opfaction or kitpvp what rank are you now Elite
In-game name: AsomeJohn777 Current rank:Elite
Your in game name:AsomeJohn777 The offender's ingame name:hazeuk A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Scam me...
Support Bullet Good Luck ;););););););):D:D:D
Brest Cancer awareness the colors :) its the month
How old are you? 15 Your in-game name:AsomeJohn777 What timezone are you in Arizona What country do you live in? United States What languages do...
Your ingame name: AsomeJohn777 The offender's ingame name: sammangat A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertising...
Your ingame name:AsomeJohn777 The offender's ingame name:texasboy12 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Bow Hacks...