Broski_ I didnt leave, Its just the Summer was hectic and I didn't get the chance to come on.
It Happened Again UGH
Yay Thx!!!!
like 3 or 4
Whenever i want to vote for world edit on creative it lets me at first it gives me the page and i answer everything and all dat good stuff, but i...
Thx KitKat
I have No Idea #Noob4Life
Hipster chick Can You Follow Me? :3
lol da lies DA LIES :happy:
Hipster Chick Just Followed You Now :D Love Your Profile Pic!!! :P
Thx :) You Responded So Fast!
Hope A Person Helps You Get Mod, And soon!! Keep Up The Good Work!! And BTW I Like The Format You Did :):p
Afew Weeks Or Days Ago I was Playing Minecraft And Witnessed a griefing at an rp, He Is So Called The Ultimate Halker (If I Recall Right) He Was...
Has He Been Unbanned Yet?? And How Much Money was it that you scammed.... Hope You Can Come Back -Sissy