Never mind, my bad :]
Texas, have you told everyone to change their skin to their super hero? i think thats a really cool idea.
Yay thanks :D
Well, my favorite super hero is the Hulk
Ign: xJ1w1b1 Age: 13 Pvpskill 1/10: 8/10 Have We Teamed Before: Yesh Am I sexy: of course Are you SEXY: Duh
im done.
no, everyone has been experiencing this lag it is very bad.
Just died for the second time today lost a whole nother set of p4 sharp V power V, due to lag AGAIN, i demand my things back its just not fair i...
oh yeah, kit pvp thats the gamemode it was :P
well i know i died lol thats as much info as i need
whatever gamemode you pvp in lol
Yes please.
i died from lag and lost a full set of p4, a sharp IV sword, power 5 bow, ton of e-pearls, and a ton of regens, anything staff can do about this?...
Zedrewman played me back my 550, all is good now there is no need for him to be banned we are good now. Thanks -xj1w1b1
on 9/12/14 i was asking around if anyone was selling a p4 unb3 set, and zedrewman said he was, i tpa'd to him and payed $550 he then tpa'd away...
In game name : xJ1w1b1 Age :13 Skype : Msg me in game. Rank (if any) : Commander How long have you played on Mineverse : about a year...