What Happened to this, This was so amazing! Any Chance this could still be added?
I am calling and you don't seem to be answering.
Just Ignore this, I already died.
Ok ;)
Because your lying lol
Where on the Website is Mute Appeals?
I just got muted, I think it's for cussing. I'm not objecting it because I did but I'm curious how long my mute is. IGN is roneallm. Thanks :)
OLD IGN : DUCK6258 NEW IGN : xXTheDuckXx OTHER : you may need proof but i may no have any. Ask pandabear and/or vamesa (staff) for proof they know...
Old IGN: Duck6258 New IGN: xxTheDuckxx Transaction Info/Screenshots of rank proof: ASK VAMESA SHE KNOWS I WAS VIP +Vamesa123 Old rank: VIP
Your ingame name: Duck6258 The offender's ingame name: tehbeatles A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Excessive spamming....
Your ingame name: Duck6258 The offender's ingame name: Brage008 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Fastbow (hacks)...
at the end there is a clear hit that shows hacks :)
Your ingame name: Duck6258 The offender's ingame: ajandkristen A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking....
Thanks for all the help pile.
ur not even a god I saw u on op.
Your ingame name: Duck6258 The offender's ingame name: Crunchy77 (Elite) A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacks. (FF |...
I hate jjario too, but i know staff are going to say its a warn. Catch him again and it's a ban.
I got in. Wait 5 min before reconnecting. then connect