My thread on skyblock was more mature and on-topic than this one. But really stop being all immature on naming people out. If you would read the...
Oty for the follow c:
Thats cyps job to pay attention to the moderators activity. Some are inactive for reasons. They'll tell you in statuses or threads. And not rage...
Lmao because the people leaving, Half of them are still on the forums. Also moderating isnt an easy job, it takes work, maybe realize it before...
You do realise that language said on teamspeak is legal as long as it isnt towards others... So the moderators had the right to be immature/have...
I have a ton of things First of all, being a moderator you don't have to be mature 100% of the time. I mean on teamspeak the staff team can have...
Wrong forum, post this in the help section.
i see you viewing that thread <: This guy with 2m subscribers clearly likes mv c:
Happy birthday
"Excuse me, the brownies, they're just too much."
I have a brownie fetish @larrythebird101 @amy // madnessgirl
Nice spawn on skyblock
Grats yin :)
Grats :P
Non-donors dont get it from voting... They have to be lucky and vote and it has a limited time.
Thanks for all the feedback and support :3
Edited some stuff from the feedback I was given.
Okay, I'll add these in. :P Not really supposed to be math in this suggestion. Thanks for the feedback.
What am I suggesting? A way for non vip people to get multipliers. Suggestion info: So there is a /warp shop where you can buy things. I was...