Lol @PiLe is still staff? Now that’s some dedication right there if I’ve seen any.
I cant access mineverse... neither can my friends?
Welcome to December, Christmas is coming!
Happy Birthday!
No for me, i atleast knew some of them and now i dont know any.
When you were mod.
Maybe cause i was absent for two years \(*o*)/
Very depressing that the only staff standing when i left is @Pile even though i didn't know most of the staff at least i knew her a little.
Nice edit, also Huzuni isn't a vpn? And most vpn's are smart enough to be in privacy mode so it can't be disabled. But Good Luck with your idea....
An IP ban is only effective too someone who isn't too bright. Any hacker has the ability to use a vpn or proxy and an alt to access the server...
I mean i have been here for 3 years
Can i call myself a well known member?
@Andrewswj yes because you joined in 2014.
OMG did I create the Ladder Gamemode?
Ya i remember that, you were the best.
Doss everyone have the ability to poke or just staff?
Tell me if i am wrong, but werent you head mod or a mod?
Sad to see all of my old friends havent been on for months or years...
Btw my username is now VenusFTW
Like 5 minutes