Strafxr is good I fought him once , on the other hand ComitOG is HORRIBLE.
ONE LAST QUESTION! Are you majestic ?
Kohi not kitpvp .... ( I never said the ip)
I asked this to many people , I just wan't to hear opinions. Do you think when you use a period in the end of a sentence it makes you look baws...
Oops meant to say pony
Are you a unicorn disguised as a ponie eating a horse that's licking a camel jumping on a trampoline? Dun lie I saw you.
I was SO Depressed ..... JK JK I wub you to the beat.
Damn , I can't get over how professional the period at the end of the sentences makes you ... Really anybody. Woah.
You actually replied :3
Oops didn't mean to put two "to"'s
1. Do you think putting a period at the end of a sentence makes you look professional? 2. Do you find it weird that every one asks that if you...
@Skydiver27 stop it , cheating is not good , this is bad she gonna find out soon.
Dude it's EID now XD
Dude don't be cheating on @Xoxotoxicgirl123 dayum..
Some day :3
LOLOL UniQue is probs 10x better then you. :D