I never crashed anyones ts. And hi. Also, hitler isn't meant to be offensive here, lmao. Why must people rage.
Don't hate, it's in off topic for a reason. Have a banana A Zambanana
r u can cumfurm
Kickz for "black people" - racism Doesnt kick for "white people" - Other guardz confirmzzzz Ab00s ban Your ingame name: Many Moderator name:...
Because I'm not just some random who joined today...?
It was removed due to people not listening to stop spamming. Cyp got on, removed the warp, tp'd everyone out of there.
I'm disliked by a few for actions they believe to be unjustified, it happens, and they get over it and become friends with me. Simple.
He's banned, don't worry.
Ye i'm #1
My application isn't meant to be accepted mr daelwolf. I don't suck up to him either. But thanks for your "opinion"
And I don't recall claiming you did either? Your opinion wasn't an opinion, it was you putting "k" after saying you think otherwise. It's not here...
Nobody asked you to agree, his words are his words, take them how you interpret them all you'd like. That doesn't change his meaning. Also,...
I'm Terrick, hi, nice to meet you all. As for the recent demotions, don't bother spamming about them, they're private reasons. As for my mod app,...