Your ingame name: Panda_protect The offender's exact ingame name:Blod_shadow And 1stPickachu A description of what rule they broke/how they broke...
Evidence [MEDIA]
hi u on
I'm active now oto on new kitpvp
I'm active erveryDAY!
Your ingame name: Panda_protect The offender's exact ingame name: Filah A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Hacking...
thnx for Support
Why im gettong denied i may ask the most mods arent online when the most players are cuz i live in netherlands ,utc 1+
I did everythhin that was in the mod aplication to be answered
And the most play to
When i play
And the there arent so many mods online maybe 1'a 4
It gonna get denied why? I may ask im active when the most moderators arent cuz i live in the netherlands utc 1+
I know but sorry
but what u mean with that
its the first time im applying for mod
i dont know what template i did full in everything right