Bump :)
Hey there :)
Maybe if you added some more info to why you should be Mod, it will help benefit. Also try getting more known around the community too. Good luck...
Welcome to the forums :) If you have questions, feel free to ask the staff!
Me? C:
Hello Gemma :)
Hey there Rei :)
Hello and welcome to the forums :)
Hey there Paul :)
Oh man gratz!!!
Hello, could I get my name changed from Brian J to brianjm01? Just because brianjm01 is my IGN. Thanks
It doesnt let me make ban appeals or reports except forum reports
@ScoFu13 could you read this since you are head mod?
Saw him on KitPvp he was Titan
It would be really nice if there could be /sethome in Creative. So that way if I'm building in my friend's plot and go back to my plot, I can just...
What's your texture pack in your reports?
I like this suggestion. However, we should keep the "pearling into spawn", because pretty much half the players on Kitpvp are hackers, and if the...
Great ban appeal!
(brianjm01) We barely talked or hung out, but you are a really cool guy and good at Pvp. Cya in March then, and I'll miss ya. :) (Add me on skype...
Whats the teamspeak IP?