Your ingame name: Bubble_Bongo The offender's ingame name: muchorojo A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Spamming a TON....
Try to lower the brightness of the color XD. Its hard to see a little. Other than that. Support :)
Your ingame name: Bubble_Bongo The offender's ingame name: Connmon A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Using illegal command...
Your ingame name: Bubble_Bongo The offender's ingame name: kitkin A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They used an illegal...
Your ingame name: Bubble_Bongo The offender's ingame name: GinaTuna A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Gliding/Killaura...
IGN: henriford123 He is using kill-aura and spinning his head all over the place. [media]
No Support. You need to add more reasons on why you want to be mod. Also, you need to get into the community. Like really, you just joined 1 week ago.
Har118 was spamming a lot in sky block about this warp.
Support! +1
Support All the way! You're so nice to me IG. I see you on a lot even though we have different timezones show that shows a lot! +1 Hope you get it! :)
Your ingame name: Bubble_Bongo The offender's ingame name: Jackson123606 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Jackson and his...
Connor Walton you say no support for all of them.
How old are you? 13 Your in-game name: Bubble_Bongo What timezone are you in? EST (Eastern Standard Time) What country do you live in? United...
I found a advertiser. Look for IGN in the pic
Color Doesn't make it better, the words are what count.
I just revised it Yin. What do u think?
It is the duck that makes it work thooo! XD
How old are you? 13 Your in-game name: Bubble_Bongo What timezone are you in? EST (Eastern Standard Time) What country do you live in? USA...