good times when i got banned by you trying to use kill aura on you, will always remember that
i keep getting kicked when joining gta, great, now some 2 kids will report me for invalid "scamming" for not being able to pay them some $
Also, i will be fair, i found out that place i used it a bit so i do deserve a punishment
Yes :D i also reported :P
Sorry for it saying lobby, there is no Gta prefix yet AlphaFefol Quty (100%) Humanlike (not enough evidence) im not too sure if its a rule but...
hi, i cant find the post new thread on report place.. can someone tell me where im supposed to put it?
in the first vid: Hackers At 1:50 - 2:10 gersson533 and 9:18 - 9:25 break_dancer_3 in the second vid: 1:22 Sticstar, 2:49 doxi42, 3:12...
in vid 1 i did vid 2 there are hacker in every minute
1 more RobertSypher25
Your ingame name: AlphaFefol The offender's ingame name: A lot of people A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hacking...
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