I dont play? How do you know that I dont play. Also given the fact I was on yesterday making a base. Why are you worked up about it? Given the...
Yo bro. We ready heard your input of you saying no support to the thread. Keep quiet as you already made your vote. We get it.... Stop typing the...
Cool story bro.
I play factions on both servers. I havent been playing them recently and I do play the gamemode. And what is that of your concern? I already heard...
Tbh ur right, You barely bumped it the views were just comin like hotcakes. Honestly you probably wouldve had like 4k views if you kept yours going XD
Bump! Hope you vote!
1,972 currently
I couldnt have said it better. The thread has like 2k views already. NoobCrew already voted yes on my thread. And I still see no form of changes....
Bump! hope you vote! Ima keep trying bud!!!! That reset is needed <3
@MaxNinja10 Excuse me. Can you please lock this thread. I didnt realized that cyp reset the infection server thanks.
Hi guys. id really love some help. I have been banned off infection for 4 weeks and when I came back on I have none of my levels what so ever. I...
Your ingame name: googlemaster190 The offender's exact ingame name: Gamerkid0698 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking...
Your ingame name: googlemaster190 The offender's exact ingame name: The_HobbitMaster A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
Your ingame name: googlemaster190 The offender's exact ingame name: daveadave A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hacking on...
I totally disagree with what you just said
Yes lol I will edit it. XD i havent editted this thread for a long time XD
you really must love glitches. and exploited maps with nothing to do....
Bump. Hope you vote!
No support as @Swiftlicious said above.
Dont forget to vote! :)